Saturday, October 1, 2022

Movie Review: See How They Run

 Movie Number 34 of 2022

Movie: See How They Run

Cinema: Hoyts Victoria Gardens

Stars: 3 (For the moment)

I'm still thinking about why I'm reviewing See How They Run, mainly because I kept falling asleep through it. 

 On paper, it's looks like a great cast. Saoirse Ronan and Sam Rockwell lead a cast of English stalwarts like Ruth Wilson, Harris Dickinson, Adrien Brodey, David Oyelowo and Sian Clifford among others. And it's based on an Agatha Christie play which goes a bit wrong. It's wonderfully set, the costumes are great, it should be a great film. 

Yet through the first half, I was continually asked to stop snoring. 

Looking back on this, part of me wants to watch this again to see if I'm fooling myself into not liking this. It felt like it was all over the place. 

I also got the feeling that both Ronan and Rockwell were sleepwalking their way through their roles as the washed out, alcoholic detective and the over-enthusiastic police constable. 

But then again, it was laugh out loud funny in bits. Not that I can remember any of the jokes. 

So, for the moment, I can't recommend this, or not recommend it - because it really hasn't left an impact on me at all. Which is strange, because I normally remember films pretty well. In my defense, I was pretty tired last night, and I thought I was coming down with something. 

So, yeah, here is a film which might be okay, but I cannot say just yet, as it really has left no impact. 

Today's song: 

1 comment:

  1. Your review has inspired me to see it. I'm an insomniac and will try anything to help me sleep. Jeannie
