Thursday, October 27, 2022

NaNoWriMo Planning

 NaNoWriMo starts on Monday. 

NaNoWriMo you ask? National Novel Writing Month. 

The aim is to get 50,000 words written in the month of November. Or 1,667 words a day. It's not always about quality, but quantity - and as I'm finding out, to write a novel of around 100,000 words, you probably need to write around a millions words, then cut them down. 

It's time I've got myself back into this novel. I've got a plan to get a first draft out by the time this alleged Writer's Retreat in Paris. In want this to be the pay off. 

So - How do you plan to write 1667 words a day?

So far, after going through a couple of versions of this book,  I've found that I'm not great at writing linear plots.

I'm also not bad at writing short storries. 

So maybe this is a way through. 

I've got my characters. Faith - my protagonist, Laz, the antagonist/love interest, Harry, her best friend and Mo, an old friend with whom she has a difficult relationship. 

I know what has to happen.

It's now getting to the filler. 

So maybe I should assign myself a short story on similar themes each day. 

So, here are 30 things I can write about for this book:

  1. The contents of Faith's fridge.
  2. Finding her way around the neighbourhood
  3. A bit of history with Mo
  4. Faith and her indoor plants
  5. A bad case of buyer's regret
  6. 10 boring things about Faith and her current predicament
  7. Faith's guilty pleasure
  8. Faith on her marriage
  9. Loving Laz
  10. Faith in her 20s
  11. What Faith likes to wear. 
  12. What is Faith saying Yes to when she really should be saying no.
  13. What Faith loves about herself. 
  14. Faith and her current practicalities. 
  15. Faith trying to rehome her cat.
  16. What happens when you put Mo and Laz in the same room. 
  17. Faith and finding a partner
  18. Faith's most favourite part of the world.
  19. What Faith wished she did differently                           
  20. Faith going shopping
  21. What's a day like for Faith when she's working. 
  22. The worst day of Faith's life. 
  23. How Faith and Harry when they were young. 
  24. What Faith does to irritate Mo. 
  25. How Lax, Harry and Mo react to Faith's predicament
  26.  What is Faith's worst fear. 
  27. How is Faith planning this stage of her life. 
  28. Faith and her doula, Debbie.
  29. Things that Faith never thought of before she came in this predicament
  30. What Faith really thinks about life. 
See, how hard can it be?

Today's song:

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