Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Walking in the Rain

 Nothing tests your health more than something impromptu after being ill.

The call came around just after six. Was I doing anything? Nope. Feel like a walk? Why not.

After a full week off exercise, the thought of going for a decent walk felt like a good thing to do. That the COVID didn't get into my lungs, even better. And that the lingering tiredness, though still there, is starting to abate - it was worth giving a walk a go. 

And besides, it was my old boss calling, in town with work. She was up for a walk too. I gave her directions to get out my way. Half an hour later, I collected her from the tram stop, in my possession, two umbrellas, which were needed as it pissed down for much of the walk. But it didn't matter - it was a warmish night - what's a bit of water?

Other that it was great to see my old boss, it was equally wonderful to go for a walk along the soggy Yarra tow path. Very few people were around, due to the time and the weather. 

The river has been up high. I was shocked to see the amount of detritus hanging off the low branches. 

The Walmer Street Jetty, where I've been known to sit and have lunch on a good day, is underwater. With all the rain that's about, it's understandable. The tow path was showing evidence of flooding, although the paths were clear. 

We walked for a good hour, having a great catch up. I haven't seen her since I left my last job. A quick trip to the supermarket, the last short distance home, a quick check on the cat (for my old boss had seen a lot of Lucifer's arse over the years over zoom - she wanted to see his face) and I ran her back to her hotel. 

Two great things about the night - firstly, it was lovely to catch up with an old friend. And secondly, I've bounced back from the worst of that wretched disease. 

Back to the gym tomorrow night. 

Winning all round, really. 

Today's song: 

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