Sunday, October 16, 2022

Notes from Knitting Camp

 Some quick take aways from my weekend away. 

1. People who like fiddling with yarn are pretty excellent people. 

2. Hanging out with friends of friends seems to be a good thing too. I went to knitting camp knowing the organiser (the amazing Absolute Purler) and my friend Stell. Also on the camp was Absolute Purler's Mum, Roz - who's just marvellous, Stell's Mum, Lizzie, Purler's mate, Celia - with whom I was sharing a room, and a couple of women from the Hand Knitter's Guild of Victoria. All were stellar people. Very easy company. 

3. My weekend was spent mostly sewing up the jumper I've been working on for three months. (I bought the yarn in Bendigo on 17 July - three months later, I have a jumper. 

4. Sinking the neckline and sewing up the jumper has to be the worst part of making a jumper. 

5. I went to knitting camp with four balls of wool. I came back with this stash. 

6. Do not ask how much I spent on yarn this weekend. In my defense, half of the yarn came from the yarn swap table. I have enough yarn to make cat blankets for Blarney's cats. I also bought the wool for a new jumper I want to make. The lovely deep blue balls are mohair - I will find something to do with those. 

7. Life is always a lot nice when somebody feeds you. Ash, our caterer, was as amazing as always. 

8. Going to bed at 2 a.m., at my age, is not recommended. 

9. I have found THE BEST PASTY in Victoria. The Harcourt General Store has probably the best pasties I have tasted outside of South Australia. I'm in awe. They are almost of a South Australian standard. Baked fresh on the premises to a Cornish recipe. I'll be back (the General Store is only open 9-3 most days - be warned. 

10. I learned how to use a swift on the weekend - it helps you ball up your yarn. Very helpful. Quite meditative. 

 A swift and a winder

11. The best way to get your cat to bestow love on you is to leave them with a friend for the weekend. Lucifer was VERY happy to see me. He's even happier to be home. It was his choice to sit in the cupboard for the weekend (but he was eating a drinking and pooing in the correct spot, so all is well.

In all, it was a most excellent weekend, and I would happily do this all again sometime in the future. If you'd like some information about future crafting weekends a way, drop me a line and I'll put you into contact with the appropriate people. 

That I've walked away with a few more friends - even better. 

Today's song: 

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