Saturday, October 15, 2022

Sunday Stealing: A Bug Sandwich

 I'm still at knitting camp. Because of this, I'm doing the Sunday Stealing questions on Saturday night as I sew up my jumper (jersey / pullover / guernsey) because I've finished the knitting bit. 

Questions have come from Sunday Stealing - Bev's computer is still out of commission, but Kwizgiver is helping out. 

1. You are walking down the road and you look down. There is a bug. Do you step on it? 

No. I'm not into killing things without a reason. If it's a huntsman spider, that is a different matter and I would find a flame thrower. 

2. What is one fantasy that you want to come true more than any other? 

Clive Owen, in the bath, on a cold night. That will do. Thank you very much. 

3. Someone knocks on your door. Do you look out the window to see who it is before you open it? Do you open it regardless of who it is? 

I live in an apartment, and I can't see who is at the door. If they are unexpected, I do look out the peephole. I am a woman who lives alone - it's a safety thing. 

4. Have you ever eaten Play-Doh?

As a young child, yes. 

5. What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon as a child?

I was a Wacky Races and Hong Kong Fooey kid. Still love Muttley. As I got older, I used to love X-Men and 

6. Are you a people watcher? 

Absolutely. It's some of the best sport out there. 

7. I have a bowl of fruit. There are apples, oranges & pears. You help yourself to one. Which one do you choose? 

I'm not really a fruit eater - I'd go an apple at a push - a nice crisp Granny Smith. 

8. What is your biggest pet peeve in the blogging world? 

The occasional weirdo. And people who whine a lot. 

9. What was the last really funny movie you watched?

At the cinema? Two come to mind. The first one was Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. Stunning film and very funny in places. Also, and Australian film - How to Please a Woman was very, very funny - and on point. I really enjoyed that. Snickered all the way through it. 

10. What word do you use far too often? 




One of those. 

11. How long do you spend in the shower? 

In the morning, 5- 10 minutes, depending on if I'm washing my hair. In the evening - 2-4 minutes, but that is because I'm rinsing off the day. 

12. What is something that you've never done that you secretly are dying to do?

I'd love to travel around South America. I really want to do that, but it looks like hard work. I'd also like to go back to India - that's something I never thought I was say. 

13. Your favorite flavor of soup is….? 

Roasted pumpkin soup - but I love the sound of Mulligatawny Soup. Haven't had it since I left England - but it is wonderful. 

14. You are sitting on a bench in the park and a bug walks in front of your feet…

As long as it's a little bug, I'd have no problem with it. 


  1. Oh, yes, I want to travel more.
    I've used the F word far too frequently since about 2016.

  2. As soon as I read Hong King Fooey, I heard the theme song in my head. I had forgotten that one!
