Monday, October 31, 2022

November Challenges

 This evening's challenge is trying to get anything done when there is a needy cat wanting to be played with. After belly rubs and letting him chase after his feather stick for half an hour, then let him do skiddies while chasing the red dot, I've been released. I tried to write this earlier, but his lordship was clawing at my leg. He's being needy, God love him.

Anyway, I'm setting myself a couple of challenges for November. 

Firstly, NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow. 50,000 words over the month of November. Or around 1700 words a day.

It's time. 

Second challenge is to do the 20 Classes in November challenge at the gym. Attend 20 classes, get put in the draw for a decent prize. Want to give it a try. Again, it's time to go back to this fitness thing and really show what my 54-year-old body can do. It means fitting in the odd CORE and Body Attack class on top of pump. Besides, endorphins make me happy.

And as it's Pump class at 9.15 tomorrow (on a public holiday - how rude) I best be off. 

Today's song:

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