Sunday, October 30, 2022

Sunday Stealing: There are no questions

 It appears that for the first time in about ten years, no Sunday questions have been set. The inimitable Bev at Sunday Stealing ended up in hospital and has had computer issues and because of this, no questions have been set. 

I'm wishing Bev a speedy recovery and the end to her computer woes. 

So, what am I going to write about?


Heading off to a barbeque in a bit and there's a salad I need to make. 

There's also some knitting gear I need to find as I think there is a chance I'll be teaching a six-year-old how to knit at the barbeque. She was keen last time I saw her at a barbeque. 

The washing is on the line. After a week of rain, it's nice to have a good drying day. From tomorrow, the rain comes back. the joys of Spring.

Regardless, there are no questions to answer, so I'm getting a day off. 

Today's song: 

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