Sunday, October 23, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Dare to Tell

I'm coming out the other side of COVID, thank goodness - that's about all I've talked about for the last few days and I'm over it. Thankfully, the RAT tests are now reading negative and I'm officially out of quarantine on Tuesday (though I did make it through the McDonald's drive through for a coffee a bit earlier). It is what it is. The things you pick up on knitting camp...

Today's questions have come from Kwizgiver as Bev from Sunday Stealing has a computer which is still out of action. 

What type of day are you having? 

Fair to middling. It's the first day since Thursday where I have put real clothes on, not just pyjamas. I'm even wearing a bra. Joys of COVID. 

Was there anyone who "made your day"?

Not yet. The girl at the McDonalds drive through window might have made my day if they had decaf (it seems McDonalds no longer stocks decaf coffee - my only reason to go there) I'm having a chat with Geetangeli in a bit, and I have an online writing workshop online a bit later. They might make my rather boring day a lot brighter. 

Are you liking how you look today? 

I'm not really. I have on an old t-shirt dress - but I feel washed out. This is Day 5 of COVID - it's to be expected that everything feels a bit meh. You don't have to get dressed up to binge watch The Great British Bake-Off. 

Have you ever eaten a bug? 

Yes, but not intentionally. 

Are you vegetarian? 

No. I do try and eat a lot of vegetarian food. I've taken on Meat-Free Monday as a thing in my life. But I'm too fold of ethically sourced meat. And I like eggs, and cheese. I could never be a vegan. 

When was your last paycheck? 

Last Wednesday. Thankfully, I get paid weekly. 

How many pets do you have? 

I am owned by one large, stroppy black cat named Lucifer. I am his slave. I sprinkle him with love. He gives me side eye. Everybody should know what it is to be owned by a cat. You don't own a cat. The cat owns you. It's something you learn to live with. 

What kind of toothpaste do you use? 

Whatever is on special at the supermarket - Normally Colgate Whitening. 

Are you closer to being rich or poor? 

It depends on how you define rich and poor. I'm really in the middle. I'm not poor. I'm not rich. I'm okay - and that feels good. I'm rich in some areas of my life, poor in others. 

What was the last gift someone gave you? 

Well, somebody on knitting camp gave me COVID - that was nice of them... I was also gifted a really lovely hat made on knitting camp by one of the knitters. Oh, and Jay bought round some ice cream and lemonade the other day - all in sympathy for the COVID. That was very nice of her. 

Do you appreciate that person? 

I don't appreciate the person who gave me COVID, but we have no idea who that person was, so that is a moot point. I do appreciate Jay and Ros, the person who gave me the hat. 

Did you talk to anyone you didn't like today? 

No, not as yet. Can't see why this is a question. 

Do you like picnics? 

Not really. Sitting on the ground, eating, then there's the sunburn, the ants, the children. Too much effort for too little reward. 

What book are you currently reading? 

I'm nearly finished two books. 

On audiobook I'm nearly done with Maggie O'Farrell's This Must Be The Place - and it is freaking AWESOME. She's incredible. 

On paper, I'm reading Diana Reid's Love and Virtue, which is great, but triggering in places. I was in a university college - I've seen a lot of this in some scenarios. Great book too. 

What song did you last listen to? 

Talking Heads - This Must Be The Place. Followed on from reading the book. Love Talking Heads. 

How many tabs are open on your computer? 

Seven. Too many. Should close a few. 

Are you a very stressed out person?

Generally, no - but like everybody, I have my moments. (See today's song - see what I've done :) )

Today's song: 


  1. I'm so sorry you have been sick! I hope recovery is swift!

  2. When I was working, I talked with a number of people I did not care for.

  3. I read the O'Farrell book a few weeks ago and then read The Marriage Portrait which was another amazing book of hers. She is versatile!

    I hope you continue to feel better.
