Saturday, October 22, 2022

Small Things from Captivity

 You have to find your jollies where you can when you're stuck inside. 

Saying that, I took my rubbish down to the bins earlier - that was fun. Stella dropped off some RAT tests, so there's a bit of human contact - she also caught the dreaded spicy flu at knitting camp so it's not like I'm going to give it to her. 

I'm struggling to find something to photograph for my black and white photo of the day. Today it was a collection of my knitting implements. It's got down to that. Life is that dull. 

Thankfully, my appetite is returning. I had crumpets and honey for breakfast - I'm craving those simple childhood foods - beans on toast, eggs - those sorts of things. 

I can't eat crumpets without thinking of a Dutch friend of mine who always referred to crumpets and "grumpets". I call them grumpets in my head, with a smile, as they are under the griller. 

My daily French lessons are going well. If I'm going to manifest this trip to Europe next year I'll need to keep up the French lessons. 

And thankfully, I've just done a RAT test on myself - it's come back clear - but I don't know if I've got the energy to do anything about this. I'm going to play the game and stay quiet for a few more days. RATs aren't overly reliable. But it's something. 

And the cat is being extra cuddly. 

At least I'm on the mend. And The Great British Bake-Off is keeping me company. 

It's the little things. 

Today's song: 

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