Friday, October 21, 2022

What they don't tell you about COVID

 So, this COVID thing is an all-body experience.

I'd been told about the exhaustion - which is evident. For this, I was prepared. 

I'd known about the loss of taste and smell. Everything tastes like a mix of cardboard and metal. It's dreadful, but after four days, that seems to be getting a bit better, thank goodness. 

Of course, there are the sore throats, headaches and muscle aches. I missed the headaches, and the other two have been minor.

There's the cough - which mine is not bad at all. My lungs feel pretty clear. 

What's got me is how this has affected my guts. 

Not wanting to eat is one thing - and why would you want to, when all food feels like you're eating a cardboard box?

It's the constant, up-there-with-bowel-prep runs which caught me off guard. Most of the last 36 hours has been spent on the loo. Thankfully, there was some Imodium in the back of the bathroom cabinet, but has only just started to slow things down. You don't dare fart off of the loo. That would be a recipe for disaster. 

It is, quite literally, shit. 

But it's day two of the anti-viral medication - and that seems to have helped. 

I've barely left the couch - and that's okay. 

For the first time, I did my grocery shopping online. That's coming sometime tomorrow afternoon, not that I feel like eating any of it. 

And yeah, I seem to be coming out the other side of this now. 

That half of the rest of knitting camp have caught this makes me feel a little bit of camaraderie. Thankfully, all are doing okay as well. 

Looking forward to when I don't have to talk about COVID - but as I've been nowhere, or done nothing, I don't have anything else to write about. 

Today's song: 

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