Sunday, November 6, 2022

Making somebody's day

 How hard is it to be considerate?

Not hard at all. 

Taking a break from the couch, where I'm getting over a post-COVID slump (thank you very much body - just what I needed) I went into town to run a few time-sensitive errands - pick up the mail, get some prescriptions - that sort of thing. That it took a heap of energy to make it into town, and run these small jobs is another matter. 

The mail was simple. The chemist promised to be easy too. 

And popping into a chemist shop I made my way to the dispensary. I handed over my prescriptions. As is the case, it's a one at a time thing as the pharmacist scanned my phone once, then twice, then for a third time. 

Once one script was scanned, she would go hunt out the pills, then scan the next one. As she was hunting around for my second script, I called out to her, saying that the third one was the same stuff, just a bit stronger (estrogen patches, what fun!), she may as well get that while she was there. 

Coming back, the pharmacist scanned my third script, the thanked me profusely for being so considerate to tip her off about the next script. 

I mean, if they made the strength of patch I need, I wouldn't need two of them. But it makes sense to tip off the person behind the counter that the same stuff is on the next script. 

Doesn't that make sense?

I was a bit befuddled, as trying to make the people serving you have as easy time as possible both good for you and good for the server. It isn't that hard to try and be a little bit considerate - even if it is helping somebody save 10 seconds or an extra trip to the shelves. 

And okay, I was not in my normal pharmacy - rather a busy one in the city (which seems to be a bit more expensive than the one I normally use). Maybe you get to see a different side of humanity in these places. 

Regardless, making somebody's day by just being courteous helped to make my day. 

Who says that manners don't matter. 

Today's song: 

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