Saturday, November 5, 2022

Sunday Stealing: Yes, I'm back!

 Well, more to the point, Bev from Sunday Stealing is back on deck now - which is a great thing. 

And it's Saturday night and I've been feeling really dodgy all day - have spent most of it on the couch watching The Great British Bake Off. No energy. Maybe this is a post-Covid slump.

Anyway, I'll get these questions out of the way now - and hope tomorrow I'll have a bit more energy. 

1.    Have you ever written to a celebrity?  Did they respond?

Ah, no and no. That's not my thing. 

 2.  Do you read letters immediately, or wait until ready to reply?

Not that I get many letters, but with emails, I normally read them immediately and get back pretty quickly. It's common courtesy. 

 3.   My preferences when it comes to reading

Um, I'm a reader of decent modern literature - mostly. With the occasional bit of popular fiction and romance and crime thrown in for good measure. 

 4.   What I'm least likely to change my mind about.

Lots of things. I'm a lefty - what Americans would call a Liberal. So, you're not going to get me to change my mind on things like: 

  • A woman's right to choose when it comes to abortion. 
  • That controlled assisted dying is not a bad thing.
  • That right wing politics are a bad thing.
  • That we're not doing enough about climate change.
  • That Essendon supporters are the worst around the AFL.
There are lots more. I'm quite opinionated when tested. 

 5.   The topics I would get wrong about during trivia

I'm great at trivia for the most part - but I'm crap at the sports question - and music produced after 2000. 

 6.   What I'm hopeful about right now? 

I'm hopeful I'm going to feel better tomorrow. Not sure if this is a COVID setback or a new virus, but I've felt pretty dodgy today and I just want my energy back. 

 7.   Philosophies I've learned/embraced from others.

Hinduism. I've got a lot of Hindu friends. I love how inclusive the religion can be - it's a bit like a choose your own adventure. You have to admire that. And I've been learning about the Kabbalah for years. It gives me some structure. 

 8.   What makes home feel like home?

Lucifer. My cat. 

 9.    Talents and skills I like to cultivate

 I'm currently re-learning French with the Duolingo app - and loving it. And there is a part of me which would love to learn the piano. I don't have the time, but I wish I had lessons when I was a kid. 

10.   What makes my heart race

The turn of a most excellent sentence. Kindness. Anybody making me breakfast.

11,  What power means to me

It's something I don't aspire to. Power corrupts. You see it all over the world. 

12.  Some of my comfort hobbies.

Knitting. Reading. Going to the gym. Walking. Baking.

13.  Last time I was pleasantly surprised

Oh, I don't know. Mrs Harris Goes to Paris was a movie I found even more delightful that I thought it would be. 

14.   How was my October 2022?

Up and down. Work was fine. Life was pretty good, knitting camp was great, but I ended up getting COVID - not fun. 

15.   Those who inspire my growth

My Kabbalah teacher, my friends, my gym buddies and my writing teachers. I'm in search of a new writing group to foster the last thing on the list. 

Today's song: 


  1. Hi Pand,

    I am a lefty too.

    Yes - we would both be terrible in a quiz team with music after 2000 (I put that too).

    Sorry you got Covid. I did too back in July. Most unpleasant I have to say. I got my fourth jab last week - let's hope we both don't get it again.




  2. Also a lefty. I went to a Death Cafe yesterday. It was quite good, and death with dignity, of course, came up. Oh, and I suck on 21st-century pop music too!

  3. I'm awful at sports trivia--but I might be all right on music. My students keep me appraised of what is popular. I hope you're feeling much better!

  4. I'm awful at all trivia! I'm sorry you are still feeling bad. I hope you wake up today feeling MUCH better!
