Thursday, November 10, 2022

Oh, My

 I've got a thing for older men dancing well. 

There's Christopher Walken - who dances is everything he's ever in, but he's great. 

Think of Fat Boy Slim's Weapon of Choice video. Amazing. 

Then there's the wonderful Ralph Fiennes and his stint in a movie called A Bigger Splash. This film contains one of the best examples of joyful dad-dancing ever witnessed. 

Mind you, Ralph Fiennes is at his best when he is having fun. It's something about the twinkle in his eye that makes watching him all the more enjoyable. 

And I've been reminded about that glorious scene in Pride, where Dominic West dances up a storm. But then again, Dominic West doesn't have quite the gravitas of Fiennes or Walken. But he's still a joy to watch. 

Well, I have a new dad-dancing star to add to the list. 

Daniel Craig. 

Sure, one of my favourite Daniel Craig performances is in Logan Lucky, where he plays a character called Joe Bang. He's grouse in this. 

Well, he's upped himself.

This is glorious. 

I think I might take up drinking vodka.  :)

Today's song:

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