Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Doing Your Bit for the Environment

 It's pay day, which means it's also stock up day. 

Stock up?

Yes, I've decided to try and do my little bit for the environment by purchasing more ethical products. 

Of course, doing this is only a little thing to help out the environment, but it's these small changes that start making the difference. 

My first purchase was loo paper. After the great loo paper shortages over lockdown (and nobody quite knows why) I started buying in Who Gives a Crap loo paper. Yes, it is bought in slabs of 24 or 48, which, when you're a single woman, seems a bit silly, but with working from home, it made a bit more sense to do this. The box sits behind the door in the spare room. When you get down to your last rolls, you buy a new slab in. And it's not wrapped in plastic but comes wrapped in paper and delivered in a recyclable box by a carbon neutral courier. (My big box has been providing Lucifer with place mats - it has it's uses). And the loo paper is all recycled or made from environmentally friendly bamboo. A friend of mine works for this great company, so even more reason to use them. 

Who Gives a Crap also supplies tissues and kitchen roll. They're well worth investigating. 

The other ethical company I've been using is Zero Co, who supply cleaning products, with the emphasis on limiting the plastics. All containers are refillable and the packets on which the liquids are sent are posted back to the company for reuse. Their loo cleaner is some of the best smelling stuff I've encountered and all of the products that I've tried work brilliantly. They are going into the personal care products, stuff like shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant and the like. I can't talk to that, but I like that I don't have to throw out so much plastic each month. 

Other ethical sites I've started to use include Boody, which make the most excellent, soft, comfortable bamboo clothing. (Barney is getting bamboo socks for Christmas). 

There are other companies out there which are doing their best, and as a shopper, it feels good to be aware of the impact you have on the planet. 

Nobody's perfect, but it's little steps. To think that ten years ago we were using single use plastic bags, plastic straws, one use plastic utensils... It's baby steps.

And it feels good (and the products are excellent).

Today's Song:

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