Tuesday, November 8, 2022

TV Recap - My Mum, Your Dad

 Yes, I like bad reality television. This is no secret. And Channel 9 has the best bad reality television. 

So, I've dibbed into My Mum, Your Dad - a dating show for 'oldies'. I'm not watching it for the fact that the kids are calling the shots from a villa not far away. I'm interested to see what people in their 50's do while in the dating pool. All of this is watched on by their adult children, who has some sway over who stays and goes from this event. 

And it all gets SOOO emotional. 

For the first time ever on reality television, it's like I'm actually seeing people of my own age telling it like it is. Of course, being reality television, this is all manicured and confected view of things. And they are going for the stereotypes. 

There are the following singles on the show:

  • The Mum who's never dated after her 28-year marriage dissolved
  • The woman who's had a bit of work done (not judging) and probably comes across as a bit of a cougar at first glance
  • The outback Mum who's a little left of centre
  • And the one comes across a bit catty
Of the men there's the:
  • Salt of the earth guy in construction and appears to be an old-school gentleman
  • The good bloke who stayed in his marriage far too long
  • And the Malcolm Turnbull look alike who in his mid-fifties is still a bit of a man-child.
  • Oh, and the guy who runs a distillery from Victor Harbor. 
And I'm sitting here, nearly yelling at the telly because they chucked off the gin distiller. I mean talk about the perfect man (other than he lives in South Australia, a bit close to my parents). He was the kind who hung back a bit, let things come to him. He wasn't as out there as the other blokes, who, truth be told seem to be nice blokes. 

But I also ask, what are they thinking putting Gen-Xers on the box to show just how bad we children of the seventies are at this dating thing. You can hear it now - "Hey, chicky-babe! You and me, yeah?  How about it?"

Of course, they've taken on the better looking and preserved of we quinquagenarians. Hair dye, the bo-bo, a lot of pilates and fake tan for the women. The men don't have the same restrictions placed on them, but from what I've seen, other than the lost lamb looks on their faces, they aren't too shabby (especially the one who looks a bit like Malcolm Turnbull's younger brother.)

The apps have come up on the show - nobody is enamored with them. 

And like all people who've been through it all, they're all coming at this with their blinkers on and guards up. 

I'm curious to see how this is going to go. I think having the kids controlling the comings and goings as a bit derivative - this could have been a perfectly awesome show without the drama. 

We 50-somethings have a hard enough time as it is. 

Today's song:

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