Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Plink Plunk

Writing all day takes its toll. It also means you have to choose your tools well. 

I go through keyboards like most people go through water filters - buying at least one or two a year because I seem to destroy them - or spill crap on them and the keys are no longer useable or they just die from overuse. 

Instead of going to JB Hifi and finding the cheapest wireless mouse and keyboard I could find, I splashed out a little online - not too much, but I invested in a wireless mechanical keyboard. 

It turned up today. 

And it's grouse.

It's very green. And a little bit funky. 

And instead of having a soft silent tap on the keys, this is quite loud - you can hear yourself typing. It's a very pleasant sound, tapping the keys, the sound acknowledging the work you're doing. It's a retro concept.  

And it's comfortable.

And it can be cleaned pretty easily as there is ready space beneath the keys.

And it looks pretty. (You can get them in all sorts of colours, not just green.)

But mostly, it feels like an old-fashioned typewriter and this, for some reason, feels great. 

I'm hoping it helps to stir the creative juices which are sadly lacking at the moment. 

Until then, I'll channel Jerry Lewis and enjoy this nerdy purchase. 

Today's song:                   


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