Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The Base Model

 I have a base model cat. 

Despite his luxurious black coat, wet nose, soft paws and haughty nature, Lucifer is a bogan. 

So, as a treat, I bought him proper minced steak as a treat for his wet food this week. 

Day One - he wolfed it down. 

Day Two - he ate most of it. 

Day Three - he would not touch the stuff. 

He gets fed at 6 pm. Every hour on the hour he came up to me asking for food. I told him he'd been fed. Went out to the kitchen. 

He looked at his full food bowl filled with yummy, minced steak. 

Then he looked at me. 

And he meowed at me. 

This kept happening.

At nine 'o' clock I gave in, throwing the steak in the bin and giving him a sachet of Whiskas.(And put the steak sachets in the freezer and I'll take them around to Blarney's place - her cats love minced steak.)


The cheap shite. 

He loves his Whiskas. It's the cat equivalent of spam. 

He ate it all up. 

Last time I try treat him like Champagne Charlie. 


Today's song: 

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