Wednesday, December 7, 2022

A Tale of Two Concerts

 The Band: The Pixies

The Concerts: Saturday, December 3 at the Sydney Opera House Forecourt and Tuesday, December 6 at The Forum in Melbourne. 

Stars: 5

Two separate gigs in two cities over four days. 

Yes, I traveled interstate to see a band. Yes, this is not the first time I've traveled interstate to see this band. They've been one of my favourite bands for the last 30 years, so of course I'll make the effort to go see them. This time around, Alice and I wanted to make up for lost time. We were supposed to see them in Sydney in March 2020. We both made it to Sydney, but then they cancelled due to COVID and yeah, that was it. And from memory, it was tipping down on that weekend, so cancelling was probably a good thing. So, we decided to go up there for this concert. 

At the same time, another group of mates knew they were playing at The Forum in Melbourne. I've seen them at Festering Hall and at Margaret Court Arena. I was keen to see them in this old, beloved theatre, which, I am told, used to be used as a Hillsong Church (thank goodness it's gone back to being a music venue.) These friends, knowing I'm a Pixies tragic, I think half wanted to see what me going "Full Panda" at a concert was like. We won't talk about that just now. 

So, what is it like seeing your favourite band twice in a week in different locations?


And thankfully, these were very different concerts. 

Sitting on the steps of the Opera House on a slightly balmy night, watching as the ferries shuffle back and forth in the background is utterly magic. 

After the support band left the stage, there was a half hour audio-visual show about the making of the Surfer Rosa cover - which if you know it, was even more fascinating. 

Then they came on, performing the songs from Come on Pilgrim, then Surfer Rosa, and finishing off with some old staples from Doolittle, Bossanova and a cover of Head On by The Jesus and Mary Chain. 

It was out of this world, helped on by the perfect night, great audiovisuals and a band that on a bad day is tighter than a goldfish's bum. 

My view of the mosh pit from the steps of the Opera House. 

The Melbourne show was different. 

First of all, no audiovisuals. Zip. Nada. 

The Forum is a more intimate venue - being an old theatre, decked out for music events. One of our party had managed to snaffle a booth, so our party of five got to watch in the relative comfort from just behind the sound deck. 

Different venue, different playlist.

Gone was Surfer Rosa/Come on Pilgrim, they blasted out Doolittle staples like Gouge Away, Wave of Mutilation and Head On, before doing some newer stuff, then returning to Doolittle and Surfer Rosa Once again, where songs like Monkey Gone to Heaven, Nimrod's Son, Here Comes Your Man and Hey. 

Wonderful, wonderful stuff. 

And whereas in Sydney, I remained rather restrained, in Melbourne, I truly went "Full Panda". 

You're only ever going to see me go Full Panda at a Pixies Concert (or maybe half cut at an 80's music trivia night.) I am unabashedly loud, screaming, clapping dancing, and rolling my eyes with reverent ecstasy. I don't get to do this too often. 

My view of the Mosh Pit in Melbourne.

So, which night was better?

Neither. Sydney provided the flashy show. Melbourne trumped them for sheer musicality - it was the edgy, so holds barred Pixies that I love, stripped back and out there (Speaking of being stripped back, they did a reprise of Wave of Mutilation later in the Melbourne show - and it was glorious). The Melbourne show was pitched with ebbs and flows, which was lacking at the Sydney show. I think they worked a bit harder on that second night. 

For me, I won't choose which was better. They were different beasts. It would be like choosing your favourite child. 

I had two night of superlative entertainment that left me hoarse, heady and wanting more. 

They're still one of the best things to ever come out of America. 

You can't ask for more than that. 

Today's song: 

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