Thursday, December 8, 2022

Words of the Year

 I love how the dictionaries to Word of the Year competitions. 

Love love some of these words. 

So, the Macquarie Dictionary's People Choice word is Bachelor's Handbag.

I love this. Probably because I am partial to the occasional supermarket roast chicken when I can't be bothered cooking. 

According the dictionary, it's definition is "Noun: Colloquial (Humorous) A takeaway roast chicken - from the fact that such a chicken required no further preparation before consumption, so is seen as an easy meal favoured by a single person, and that it is often packaged in a small plastic bag with a handle resembling a handbag. "

The Macqaurie takes a rather Australian-centric approach to these words, with past winners being words like Doomscrolling (reading too much news on social media), Karen (an entitled, middle-class, often racist white woman - and apologies to my friends named Karen) and Robotdebt (A scheme rolled out by the Federal Government so awful numerous people committed suicide after receiving debt letters - hopefully some of the instigators will end up in jail over this.)

The Oxford English Dictionary word of the year is "Goblin Mode". The term, which refers to “a type of behaviour which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations”, 

Image courtesy of The Guardian.

I sort of get this one too. 

The other word that came second was "#Istandwith" that eponymous hashtag which shows our support for a person/situation. I've used it myself on occassion. 

Being a word nerd, I love these lists. I love how the English language morphs and changes. 

Today's song: 

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