Monday, December 19, 2022


 What I wanted to do tonight: 

  • Do some fiction writing
  • Get a bit more of this jumper done (I'm sinking the neckline - it's just that and sew up the seams and it's done. 
  • Wash the dishes
  • Maybe do a bit of dusting.
  • Clean out a few emails.
  • Read a few pages of my book.
  • Get ready for tomorrow's day in the office
  • Make a list of what needs to go to Adelaide with me
What I have done tonight:
  • On the good side of things, I did go see Cleo, my trainer, and got a workout in. 
  • Filled the car with cheapish petrol before the prices go up on the weekend.
  • Had dinner.
  • And spent about half an hour sorting out some banking issues for the Masons. 
  • Talked to the cat. 
What I should do now before I go to bed. 
  • The dishes
  • Get ready for tomorrow's day in the office. 
  • Go to bed early.
What I will do before I go to bed:
  • Get ready for tomorrow's day at work.
  • A little bit more knitting.
  • Talk to the cat.  
I look at that first list of what I wanted to do tonight and I have evidence that I think I'm a over-achiever. 

I might do the dishes now. 

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