Sunday, December 18, 2022

Sunday Stealing: December Questions

 It's my 'Get Christmas organised " night, so what I'm doing is a Christmas job, then answering a question. Sound fair?

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. My plans for December 

My plans for December are to just get through it. I'm driving to Adelaide for Christmas next weekend, driving back the weekend after. I have one last Christmas function and four days left of work for the year. I don't go back to work until 9 January. 

(Blarney's slippers are wrapped - I can't believe I bought somebody slippers for Christmas)

2. How energized I feel at this point in the year 

I've not got much energy left. It's been a pretty intense year. The two weeks off will do me good. 

(Blarney's other pressie wrapped)

3. The best things about the holiday season 

Time off work. It's high summer over here so I escape to the cinema at regular intervals. 

(Two lines of the jumper for my step-dad knitted - just finishing off the second sleeve. It will be done for Christmas)

4. Something that changed my perspective on life 

Getting burnout. I was working a loopy job earlier in the year. I was working 60 hour weeks, six days a week for about six months. Never again. Burnout is not worth it. It's taken six months to get over it - but thankfully I'm pretty much back to normal now. 

(Step-sister's partner's pressie wrapped.)

5. What I seem to get the most comments about 

I don't get many comments, but that is okay - I don't comment much on other's blogs. 

(Mum's present is wrapped)

6. The changes I’ve made to my style 

I'm trying to get away from wearing black all the time. It's a very Melbourne thing to do - I'm trying to diversify. 

(One load of washing is done)

7. What gets in the way of my success 

Procrastination and self-doubt. 

(Second load of washing done)

8. News sources I trust the most 

I'm a bit discerning with my news. For local news, I read The Age, our local broadsheet. For other news, it's The Guardian and The New York Times. On television, I stick to the ABC or SBS (our local BBC or PBS) news and I do watch Channel Nine to see what the right-wingers are thinking. 

(Bathroom cleaned)

9. Fictional characters that would easily fit into my life 

I can't think of any, to be honest. Not with the stuff I read. 

10. My relationship with spirituality 

I'm spiritual, but not religious. It's a big part of my life - helps keep me grounded and sane. But it's my beliefs - nobody else's. I keep most of it to myself. 

11. How I feel when I’m being retrospective 

Next question...

12. My thoughts on AI technology 

These questions are too deep for a Sunday afternoon when you're doing jobs. 

(Stitched up another seam on my step-dad's jumper)

13. The odd/weird things I do when nobody else is around 

Some people would find it odd that I do the ironing. I like ironing. Most people don't. 

14. What I do when I can’t sleep 

If I can't sleep, I normally put a couple of drops of lavender oil on my pillow. It works a treat. Thankfully, I don't normally have trouble dropping off to sleep. 

15. The winter/holiday season tasks I enjoy 

It's not winter here. It's just going into Summer. Mind you, in my time off I'll be doing a big spring clean. The flat needs it. 

Today's song: 

1 comment:

  1. I read about folks in Australia, New Zealand, UK having way more vacation than I had in the uS when I was working. I'm retrospectively jealous.
