Sunday, December 4, 2022

Sunday Stealing: The Queen of Memes

 Another weekend, another airport. I'm waiting to go back to Melbourne after seeing The Pixies at the Opera House forecourt. You know that you're a special event when the Prime Minister turns up for a concert. (Saying that, it's a well known fact that Albo (or Anthony Albanese to those who prefer some dignity) loves his music and we have aligning tastes.) The Pixies were incredible as always. I'm seeing them again on Tuesday.

Anyway, while I'm waiting for this plane, let's get these questions out of the day. Got nothing better to do. 

1. What do men really want in a woman?

I have absolutely no idea and I don't want to speculate. Men are a complete mystery to me.

2. Should marijuana be legalized?

Yes. I know all the arguments, but it's on the way to being legalised here - and it's mostly decriminalised for personal use - unless you really muck up. Go after Ice (P, Meth whatever you want to call it) instead. 

3. Why did the cow jump over the moon?

No idea. Maybe to get to the other side. 

4. What do women really want in a man?

Again, no idea. Every woman would probably want something different. For me, somebody who is kind, sticks around, is reliable and intelligent would be a start. Good hands, a pert bum and a moderately furry chest never goes astray either. 

5. When you are having a really good day, what usually makes it good?

Any day when you have beer, and The Pixies is a good day. Yesterday was a good day. 

6. What can make your good day turn into a bad day?

Right wing politicians, traffic jams and big bills. I found my car registration in my inbox a little while ago. Just what you need. 

7. If you could "start from scratch" and turn back the clock for a re-do, what would you re-do?

This is a bit of a pointless question as there are no re-do. I've got plenty of "sliding doors' moments, but I know I can't change any of them.

8. Do you make a list when you go grocery shopping?

Yes. Do I stick to it? Mostly. I know I need to do my food shopping on the way home from the airport. I have the list in the car. There are things like almond milk, salad, salmon, cereal, gluten free bread, a brick of coffee and chicken on the list. See, organised. 

9. Do you buy more groceries when you're hungry?

Doesn't everybody? I try not to go to the supermarket when I'm hungry. I come home with bad things. No self-control.

10. Coupons. Use 'em?

Coupons aren't really an Australian thing, but I have a loyalty card with my supermarket (FlyBuys) and have $600 in credits waiting to be applied. This will get me through January and February.

11. Have you ever complained to the manager of your grocery store?

Not to my recollection. They run a reasonably tight ship.

12. Do you like to buy groceries at huge chain stores like WalMart? Or do you shop exclusively at food stores?

I don't bulk buy - I live on my own and there is no point. And I like using the greengrocer and butcher over using the supermarket - better quality meat and veg. 

13. What do you typically have for lunch?

Salad and some sort of protein, or leftovers. Working from home, it's nice to be able to cook lunch now and then.

14. If you work outside your home, do you pack your lunch?

I'm only in the office once a week - but I do buy my lunch when I'm there. The kitchens are work have been stripped of utensils and things to make eating lunch in the lunch room pleasant. Besides, the cafe downstairs makes great fresh sandwiches. 

15. Tell us about your last lunch date and what made it special.

 I met Jonella for lunch a few weeks ago. It's always special when I have lunch with Jonella. 

Today's song:

1 comment:

  1. I agree about changing the past. One learns from the bad stuff.
