Monday, December 5, 2022

First World Problems: Lollybagging

 It's our book group book choosing meeting on Sunday. 

It falls to me to prepare the lolly vote which happens every year. 

We've got this really cool way of choosing books for the year ahead. In the weeks before the meeting, the book group nominate two books to champion. We ask that the books are fiction, readily available, preferably under 500 pages and of decent quality. If it's popular fiction, we ask that the books be well known - Jane Harper rather than Dan Brown. And in the 12 or so years we've been doing the lolly vote we've barely had a bad book. 

Then, on book choosing day, everybody gets to champion their books, then we vote. You're given a bag of 25 lollies (and a rubber glove). The restaurant suffers us, giving us glasses in which we put the lollies. You can put as many or as few lollies on the books you want to read, not voting for your own books. 

And the top 12 books are chosen and put in order ready for next year. 


Well, this year, there may be a riot. 

With the lollies, I get a bulk lot from the supermarket to bag them up. The group often put in requests for the lollies. One regular request is Clinkers. Chocolate on the outside, crunchy on the inside. 

Can I find any? No. Will I be lynched for this. Probably. 

Today's song: 

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