Thursday, December 29, 2022

Take your cat on holiday, they said

It will be fun, they said. 

Actually, it is rather fun. Never thought I would be saying that, but my loyal sidekick, Lucifer is being a dream cat, mostly. 

I say mostly, because he's managed to partially destroy one of Mum's pot plants. 

Lucifer: 1 Pot Plant: 0

Other than chowing down on this pot plant, he's been a very good boy. 

He's not wrecking the furniture. He's using his litter tray. He's not behaving in an antisocial way, other than he dives under the bed if people come in into the space. Sometimes he'll come and say hello after a bit. But only sometimes. 

The rest of his holiday is being spent staring out the windows, talking to the birds and asking for food. He's not stressed, or upset, if anything, he's been a bit more affectionate than normal. 

And here I was worrying about taking him on holidays. 

As for me, I feel like I'm on my first proper holiday in years. It's nice being with the family, but also great that I've got some space to myself. It's wonderful to be fed - not that I can't look after myself, but it's great having somebody do it for me.

The change of scenery is doing me well too. I'm loving wandering down to dinner of an evening and checking out to see if the local kangaroos are grazing. You get quite close to them. It's really cool.

I've managed to avoid the cricket too. When I was a kid, this week normally involved avoid my father who was glued to the cricket for most of the Boxing Day test. I'm more of a check the scores every so often type. If I was to be caught watching the cricket, I think Mum would send me home. 

Of the downsides, if it can be seen as a downside, the internet here is crap. I'm hotspotting off my phone - down to one bar and going back and forth from 3G to 4G if I'm lucky. It means I can send an email and write a blogpost, but don't try to watch Netflix. 

And that's fine too. 

I've got another week off. It's done me the world of good. 

Here's hoping the cat feels the same. 


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