Thursday, December 29, 2022

Victor Harbor is MENTAL

With the aim of finding a little normality - and feeling the need, I made my way to the aquatic centre at Victor Harbor to use their gym. It's been a week since I've been in the gym. I've been feeling the need to work out. 

I found out the following things at the gym:

1) When you pay $18 for a casual visit, you actually get the workout done. 
2) Grunty boys are grunty boys even when they're in their seventies - they just don't have quite as many steroids running through them. 
3) There is something pretty cool about watching a mob of seniors do their water aerobics. Hats off to them. The crew at the swimming centre were getting into it. Good on them I say. 

For those not in the know, Victor Harbor is God's waiting room of South Australia. For a similar feeling and demographic think Mount Martha in Victoria or Eden/Batemans Bay in New South Wales. Lots of cashed up retirees with a bit of disposable income and a lot of time. It's also a place people come to for their summer holidays. I remember staying at Port Elliot with my grandparents as a child. It's been the thing to do for decades. 

After my pretty decent workout, it was then into Victor Harbor proper to find a jumper. Not banking on the cooler weather, I find myself without a cardigan. Victor Harbour has a Big W and a Kmart. How hard should it be to find a cheap, zip up hoodie? Something to keep a bit of warmth in as it gets nippy here at night. 

As it goes, it was impossible. And annoying. 

Victor Harbor is filled with what my mother calls "terrorists". Most others would call them tourists. 

The car park at the shopping centre was full to the brim. Filled with the large SUVs which South Australians appear to all drive (I have a small SUV - it was dwarfed by all of these huge cars)

The shops were overrun with people - on top of the normal oldies there were heaps of families hanging around. 

I made my way to Big W, on the hunt for a hoodie. 

Nope. Nothing. 

I went to KMart at the other end of the centre. Again, nothing. I met three others looking for the same - and we came out with nothing. I could have bought a hi-vis hoodie, but I wasn't that desperate. KMart and Big W I have no problem with. Hi-vis is another matter. On talking to one of the groups looking for a cheap hoodie, they said try the surf shop. I did. I don't see a $120 hoodie with some surf branding on it as a good buy. 

The other place I had a look in was what I refer to as "The Granny Shop." This is the place where Grannies on a pension would go to shop. Pretty much everything in this shop was not to my liking. They had ugly fleece hoodies in a dreadful purple color. Again, nope. But there was a sheer cardigan in a bright blue that caught my eye. I bought it. I'll get use out of this cardigan. Sure, it's not the warmest, but my arms are covered.

Coming back home, once again braving the traffic which was not dissimilar to Melbourne peak hour, I came back with my wares. 

The cardigan got my mother's vote of approval.

I won't be doing that again in a hurry, this going into Victor Harbor, in school holidays over Christmas week. It's just too insane down there. No wonder my Mum goes down there first thing in the morning. It's nuts. 

Please don't let this blog stop you from going down to this lovely, historic town. Just avoid it like COVID around Christmas and New Year. 

And take your own hoodie. It gets nippy.

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