Friday, January 27, 2023

Things to do when I get home

 I'm doing what I do best - waiting for a plane to go home. I'm through customs and immigration. The plane is leaving for Melbourne in an hour or so - I think they said it was running a bit late. I've spent the last of the coin on my travel money card - worked that out well. And I'm on my way. 

Finally, the air conditioning in the Christchurch terminal is kicking in. With the influx of people this is good - especially as it's a rather warm, fairly muggy 30 here in Christchurch today. I'm feeling a bit hot and sweaty. 

As I'm going home, I'm using this holiday as a line in the sand. As soon as I set foot back in Australia it's time to kick goals. I'm out of the post-COVID funk. It's my time to get on with things. 

So, as I'm making 2023 my year of heath and wealth, this is the plan. 

1) I'm back on the naturopath's plan to get back on track. 

A few years ago, I went on a naturopath assisted diet. Gone were the following: Gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine and alcohol. 

Sure, I drink very little alcohol and my caffeine intake has been minimal until this holiday. It's back on the plan. Keep the carbs down, keep the gluten, dairy and sugar out. It makes me feel good. As I'm going through a phase where I am hating how my body looks, it's time to get on with this. It's about accountablilty. I know how to do this. It also means the three blocks of Whittakers chocolate sitting in my suitcase is going to be wrapped up and placed in the freezer. 

Not so strangely, after a week, I start to feel great. 

2) Exercise daily.

I do some exercise most days, I just want to amp it up a bit. Again. Makes me feel good. 

3) Save money

I have a want for this. There's a writer's retreat in France in October I want to be on. This means airfares and accommodation costs and spending money. I need to save bigtime. But some away each week. I've got back my cellular need to travel. Better get saving. 

4) Get back onto the novel

I've been making notes. Needs to be done. 

That's enough for the moment.

My blog is done for the day, and they are calling my flight. 

Today's song: 

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