Thursday, January 26, 2023

Notes from the Road

I'm back in Christchurch after a LONG day of driving. Tomorrow, I head back to Melbourne.

I'm also a couple of glasses of Mumm down, which went well with a delightful meal at a local Burmese restaurant which Geetangeli and Rob rate highly (and rightly so). 

So, here's a few notes from the road. 

1) The road out of Queenstown, although a bit hairy, is gorgeous. 

The problem with driving around Queenstown is the views are too spectacular. Mountain after mountain after mountain. The stunning vistas make it hard to concentrate at times. 

2) Audiobooks make good companions. 

I listen to audiobooks in the car. They can be great. I've nearly finished Florence Given's Girl Crush, and I've been shouting at Eartha, the main character, to stop being such an idiot at time. Eartha and her crew have been the perfect companion for the LONG drive back. 

3) Sometimes there are too many tourists

The great thing about the route South on Sunday, and then again on Monday, was that there were few tourists on the road. Today, taking the main road back from Queenstown to Christchurch, at every stop, there were bloody tourists.

I was hoping to get some good photos at Lake Tekapo - but the place was overun by tourists. Lake Tekapo is glorious, and there is this iconic photo you can take with this small stone church in the foreground - but not when it's overrun with tourists.

Geetangeli tipped me off, telling me I should stop at Lake Pukaki, overlooking Mount Cook. I'm glad I did. The blue of the water was incredible. Mount Cook was slightly obscured by cloud. It didn't matter. 

And that will do. I've been on the road most of the day, I've just been out to dinner, and I am absolutely knackered. Back to Melbourne tomorrow. 

I've really liked it here. 

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