Monday, February 6, 2023

How do you break up with a book?

I think I need to break up with the book I'm currently reading. 

I'm not somebody who deserts books. I can only think of a handful which I've not completed. 

My rule is if I'm not engaged by page 30, I will throw it against the wall and pick it up when I next clean. (The Hobbit and The Great Gatsby were on this pile - I've since read and enjoyed the latter - but I've still not read The Hobbit.)

But this book I'm currently reading is not playing ball. It passed the 30-page test, but the reservations were starting to fire. 

The things I don't like about are the HUGE paragraphs which give me the irrits. One, two page paragraphs. It's annoying. The chapters are bit long too. 

I'm also not liking the characters, who all have sob stories and are also plain annoying. 

I suppose I'm waiting for something to happen. Not much has happened. 

It sort of reminds me of an Irish book based on the American series, Girls - which also pissed me off no end. Self-absorbed 20-somethings who were utterly clueless. 

The book is Sally Rooney's Beautiful World,Where are You?  I really liked her Normal People. This isn't as good. 

I will persist a bit longer.

Call me a sucker for punishment. 

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