Sunday, February 5, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Three Things

 It's been an interesting day. I've been to the gym. I've given a reflexology session while listening to Lou Reed. I've binge watched about half of the series The Bear (and it's excellent). 

Now, it's a matter of ironing one piece of clothing which has been washed and dried today, then doing a question, while trying to keep my cat off of my office chair. I feel so bad when I have to turf him off. 

Questions, as always, have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

Three names you go by, other than your given name:

  • I was known as Skip or Skippy to my workmates in London.
  • Most people call me Panda.
  • My family call my Pandy, but I don't like that.

Three things you like about yourself:

  • I'm reasonably smart (certainly not stupid)
  • My ankles are pretty skinny
  • And I like my eyes - they're dark green - some would call them hazel. Regardless, I like them. 

Three things you don't like about yourself:

  • My propensity for putting on weight
  • I can be judgmental if I don't keep myself in check - thankfully I manage this most of the time. 
  • I can be lazy. 

Three parts of your heritage:

  • It's boring. As an Australian I'm a mix of these three regions of England. Cornish/Welsh (they're only a few miles from each other. 
  • Southern English
  • With a bit of lowlands Scottish just out of Edinburgh thrown in for good measure. 

Three things you are wearing right now:

  • A long sleeved stripey top
  • A pair of cotton wide leg trousers. 
  • My Apple Watch.

Three favorite bands/musical artists:

  • The Pixies
  • The Hoodoo Gurus
  • Portishead
(This is a very truncated list). 

Three favorite songs:

  • Reckless by Australian Crawl
  • Under the Bridge by The Red Hot Chilli Peppers
  • Sympathy for the Devil by The Rolling Stones. 

Three things you want in a relationship:

  • Loyalty
  • Fun
  • Laughter

Three of your favorite hobbies:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Knitting

Three things that scare you:

  • Neo-Liberalism (Ultra Conservatives)
  • Climate Change Deniers
  • Huntsman Spiders

Three of your everyday essentials:

Three places you want to go on vacation:

  • Paris and France
  • Tokyo
  • The South of England. 

Three careers you have considered/are considering:

  • Doctor
  • Astronaut
  • Systems Test Analyst

Three things you want to do before you die:

  • Walk the Camino de Compostella di Santiago
  • Get married (or at least happily shacked up)
  • Publish a couple of novels

Three things you want to do really badly right now: 

  • Find a new job (This is a must do, but I don't like looking for work, but it will turn up)
  • Save lots of money so I can go to Paris in October
  • Travel more


  1. I love Ship of Fools and Sympathy for the Devil!

  2. Oh--I haven't heard Ship of Fools in a very long time! You always have such fun music!

  3. I'm wondering what gummy bears deodorant is like!

  4. Good choice of places to go, even though London and England I liked far better than Paris and France. But it's good we don't all want to go to the same place.

    Southern England is amazing. I have been there last year and loved the area. We're going back this year, we hope.

    Enjoy your week!
