Thursday, February 16, 2023


The last time I interviewed face to face was in February 2020. COVID was just starting to make its presence felt in the news. Things were in a strange place. It was a quick interview. I was in and out in 25 minutes. I fit the bill as to what they needed exactly. 

The last time I had an online interview was last June for the job I'm in now. I had a chat with my wonderful manager. I didn't dress for the role - I thought it was going to be a phone interview. They didn't have any make up on. I didn't have any make up on. We got on well and I had the job at the end of the interview. 

Now, with my current job coming to an end I've been in the hunt. And I've managed to secure two interviews. 

Tomorrow's interview is being done online. There's a panel of three. Most of the panel are in Darwin. 

This means getting up tomorrow, dressing like I have an interview. I have to wear makeup at home. 

It will be weird. 

I've got another interview next week too, but this one, shock horror, is face to face. What am I going to wear?

Regardless, I'm just glad I have opportunities and options - even if I may have to go shopping on the weekend. 

Today's song:

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