Wednesday, February 15, 2023

What we talked about at work today

We talked about one thing. 

We only see each other once a week on a designated Wednesday or Thursday, so there's a bit to catch up on. 

But today we talked about only one thing. 


Or Married at First Sight to the uninitiated. 

We were wondering the following things: 

1. Where do they find these manipulative, narcissistic arseholes? Case in point. Harrison. 

This dweeb could give masterclasses in gas-lighting. Gaslighting. Yeah. 

He's got the DARVO method down pat. (DARVO - Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender) It's all we've seen of this guy. 

In the words of his "wife" Bronte, he's so transparent, he's bathing in windex. I rather liked that line. 

2. Shannon. 

Oh, we have lots to say about Shannon. Awful creature who came out and said that he was still in love with his ex. Great. You get chose out of 10,000 people to come on a show to find love and you're still in love with your ex. His experiment 'bride', Caitlyn seems to be a lovely girl who's been insulted, victimized and told it's her fault he's not into her because she's not attractive enough. She got her shit together after this, packed her bags and gave him the dressing down of an age. There was a lot of fist pumping last night when she took him out. She's great. He's a gronk. 


But there's a bigger question at play - and it's not the awful haircut or his super bogan parents or the fact that he's brutally 'honest' with his truth. 

I look at him and I reckon he's on meth.

3. Melissa

I feel for Melissa, the 40 year-old-nympho.

I also really feel for her "husband" Josh, who just wants to get to know somebody and not be seen as a sex object. 

What sort of fucked up existence has this woman had to make her so sex mad. Most of us like sex - but most of us know the best bit about a relationship is the getting to know somebody, the finding out stuff, and the cuddles. She seems to have missed the part that relationships are not just sex. 

Josh, the Disney and Marvel loving advertising executive wants something normal, chill. Melissa is none of these things. 

I just find her sad, which is a pity. If only she would learn. She's been given a good one. 

And this is what we talked about at work today.

We're thinking of getting a MAFS teams chat going. 

Seems I'm not the only one who has this as a guilty pleasure. 

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