Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Of Tarot and Yoga

 Today's set task was to go to yoga at lunchtime. 

As somebody who's hips get a bit sore, yoga is a good thing. Also, as I'm job hunting at the moment, it's good to take myself out of my head space and do something in with my body that doesn't involve hoiking weights over my head. 

The class was at the gym at 12.15. The time was blocked in my calendar. I wore my gym clothes to work for a change. 

And the class was really enjoyable. What gets me with yoga is you have to remind yourself that you don't need to be the bendiest person in the room. You just go at your own pace. I'm not a fan of downward dog - but I've finally got Child's Pose under control. A quick chat with the instructor, Frank, and he said that there were always options - and to listen to him, he'd help me out.

It was wonderful! I'll never be graceful. I doubt I'll ever be able to touch my toes, but my hips feel great now and the break in the middle of the day was wonderful. 

Then there's The Cat Tarot. 

It's been sitting in my bag for a week. I finally cracked it open. 

I love it. 

78 cards with different cats on them. 

The spot cards are a bit different:

  • The Swords are Claws
  • The Wands are Cat Toys
  • The Pentacles are Cat Treats
  • The Cups are Cat Water bowls.
Then there's the Major Arcana. 

They're a hoot. 

I particularly love the Death and The Devil. 

The Star and the Tower are pretty good too. 

As are The Hermit and The Hanged Man. 

It's been keeping me amused, I'll give you that. And it's so apt. 

It's the joys of being light on work. May as well enjoy it while it lasts. I'm interviewing for a new role on Friday. It's a matter of finding the right role - not taking the first thing that comes my way. 

Today's song: 

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