Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Notes from Today

 Today was a meh day. 

I have 8 working days left at my current job, starting a new one on 17 March, after the long weekend. 

So, I'm doing clean up duties at work, which isn't that much fun. Oh well. 

And being a meh day, it means that I've got what I had to done, then found other things to do. 

I've noticed the following things:

1. There are roadworks all over the city at the moment. Going into town to collect my mail, what should have been a 30 minute round trip took me an hour. On the good side of things, I got to finish my audiobook. 

2. Sriracha and honey make a good glaze for chicken. 

3. Trying to get into bed by midnight for me is hard - but in March, I'm going to try to be in bed by midnight and get up a bit earlier. 

4. I used to do monthly goals. I want to get back to that again. Got more done. 

5. There's another knitting camp in May. And I'm fretting. Notification came through today I want to go to knitting camp. But I also want to go to Paris. And I'm going to be doing quite a bit of traveling for work in the next 8 months, so my poor darling boy is going to be spending a lot of time with other people. I don't think it's going to be feasible. And I want to go to Paris. Argh - too many things to do, not enough time, money or friends to look after my cat to do it. I can't make the August one as it's my birthday weekend. I can't do the October one as I'll be just back from Paris. 

6. Is it daft to be getting excited about travelling to work. To like Darwin, even. 

7. My cat keeps wanting me to move off my office chair so he can go to sleep. 

8. Tomorrow is Kombucha Day. I've been making my own kombucha for years. Call me a hippy. 

9. I still love Louis de Bernieres as an author. I loved The Dust that Falls from Dreams. I cheered when the reference to the title came up in the book. This was one of the characters describing dust motes. 

10. I'm definitely starting up the monthly goals again. I need a solid arse kicking at the moment. But at least I've secured a new job. Thank goodness for small mercies. 

Today's song: 

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