Wednesday, March 1, 2023

March Goals

 Goals? What are goals?

I used to do goals every month. Give myself something to work towards. Have it down in writing to I remain accountable. Well, I'm bringing this back. It's good for me. 

Here are my goals for March:

1. An hour of exercise every day. 

Doesn't matter what the exercise is, it just needs to be done. Today I went for a 20-minute walk and had a session with Cleo. I have to get back to this. I've been slack. Exercise can be yoga or pilates as well. Just move, Pandora. 

2. Read four books over the month. 

This should be doable. I do this most months, but the book group book is a monster this month. 

3. Save $2000.

I want to go to Paris in October. Needs to be done. 

4. No ice cream.

I've given it up for Lent so there is absolutely no excuse for this one. 

5. Write some fiction at least 20 days over the months. 

Something else I want to get back to. I feel like such a fraud when I say I'm a writer. 

6. Get to bed by midnight. 

I've been going to be later and later - like 2 a.m. late. I need to curb this and get myself back in synch. 

That will do. This is going to be a huge month. I'm starting a new job week after next and things might be a bit bonkers. 

But it's a challenge. 

And I have goals. 

Today's song:

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