Thursday, March 2, 2023

Packing for Camp

 This must be what school kids feel like when they go off to camp. 

It's writer's retreat weekend and after half a day at work I'll be driving down the Great Ocean Road once I drop off the cat at Blarney's place. Everything needs to be in the car by midday, so not to spook the cat. 

It's a big thing packing, especially for this weekend.

In the backpack, I've already put in my travel computer and mouse. 

Then there's the brick of almond milk. I'm well-trained when it comes to plant-based mylks. I don't like soy that much (and it makes your boobs grow). Oat milk is fine as well, but I prefer almond milk. So, I take my own. 

There's also the decaffeinated coffee pods and bags. Again, I'm not expecting anybody to pander to my strange tastes - and I drink a lot of decaf coffee on these things. 

A yoga mat. This is handy on retreat. Sometimes we do things on the grass. Sometimes you just want to lie down and look at the stars. It's a good thing to have in the boot. 

The grog. Gin. A couple of bottles of tonic, but what gin? Bombay Sapphire is a good quaffer. Maybe the small bottle of Four Pillars Olive Leaf Gin. Or the bottle of Bandesh gin, made by asylum seekers. Considering throwing in some Mr Black's Coffee Liqueur for good measure too. It would be so much easier if I drank wine. 

Sunscreen and bathers are in the suitcase already. Sure, there is a bathers options swim on Sunday morning, but there is talk that a pool has been installed at the retreat place. You never know - may use them. May not. 

I've thrown in my tarot cards. I rarely travel without them. Then there's my space clearing kit. Bell, broom, black candle and lighter. I'm teaching somebody the rudiments of space clearing over the retreat, so I need the witch shit. 

And of course, there's the clothes, a pair of thongs, a pair of pyjamas and a hoodie in case it gets cold at night.

I'm going to have to get used to this packing thing. I'll be doing enough of it over the next 8 months.

Today's song: 

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