Thursday, February 23, 2023

The Witch Hunt

The post came up on Facebook today. I posted it a few years ago. "Who knows why we were taught to fear the witches, and not those who burned them alive?"

It's so true. 

And as a practicing witch, albeit a good witch on a very small scale, I still find I have to hide my practicing of the craft. Of course, I have a core group of people who know of my skills. My family are aware of the stuff I can do. Workmates barely hear about this stuff, unless it's my talent for removing neck cricks by playing with their thumbs for a minute or so (but that's reflexology, not witchcraft). 

Anyway, today, I went shopping for witchy stuff after work. 

Not that it's that witchy - but a mate has asked me to give them some tips about space clearing, so I've got them a space clearing kit. 

Where do you get this stuff?

At the witch shop.

There is a witch shop. Down the Royal Arcade. It's called Spellbox. It's my witch shit shop.

I knew what I was after. I float around this store with great confidence. I've been coming here for a very long time. 

First stop, incense. I wanted frankincense, but I was out of luck. This wasn't the main goal of the trip. But frankincense is great for regulating breathing - it's so good for putting you in a meditative state. However, there was patchouli, which is also good for clearing and cleansing, so I grabbed that. 

Above the incense were the candles. Next on the list was a black candle. Why a black candle? Well black candles are good for taking away hard energy away. Different candles have different functions. I'm sitting here with a green candle burning to help bring in the money - as I'm looking for a new job, it's a good way to bring in that energy. Red candles are for passion. White candles for energy. 

For space clearing, you need a black candle. You can toss the bad energy into the flame, and it burns it all away. 

The last item on my list was a sage brush. A little one. 

A sage brush you ask.

Sage brushes are also used to burn away the energy - it's a bit harder core than the black candle, but it's great for clearing a room. These are mainstream now - many people when moving into a new place will run a bunch of burning dried sage through every room to burn away the bad energy. 

And coming in the mail are some temple bells. Small, Tibetan chimes which sound a high, clear note. It cuts through the atmosphere and can be used to read the room. 

If you're doing this properly, you'd also have a pile of salt nearly (earth) and a bowl of water nearby. The incense brings the air, the candle and sage brush the fire. 

Then you clap out the corners and smoke out the bad energy and throw it all into the flame. 

The temple bells are there to set the intention - and to read the energy. 

It works.

I paid for my goods at the counter. The person at the counter, patchouli scented, heavily tattooed and encased in vegan leather looked at my lot. 

"Doing some work?"

"Indeed. Giving some instructions on clearing space."

"You know what you're doing." It was a statement. 

"Indeed. It's fun to share one's knowledge."


The credit card rang through. I took my goods. "Blessed be," I said, as I always do when I'm around others of the craft. 

"Indeed, blessed be."

We gave each other a quick smile. 

And this white witch walked herself to the tram stop, happy with the little bag of seemingly innocuous items which may heighten my friend's practice. 

Now to work out how to make this a more earthbound, practical lesson which can be easily and quietly into a performative space to help with their own energetic practices. 

I've missed this side of me. 

Today's song:

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