Friday, February 24, 2023

Theatre Review: Prima Facie

 The Play: Prima Facie by Suzie Miller

The Space: The Fairfax Studio, The Arts Centre

The Company: The MTC

Stars: 5

Until: 25 March - however tickets are like rocking horse poo - The show is basically sold out. 

I love it when there's a whole audience standing ovation. 

This performance deserved every last clap. 


This is the second performance of this year's MTC season, and it seems it high standards have remained. This, however, is a superlative performance or a very timely, and very important play. It's also a one hander. One woman and a chair onstage. That is all.

It's mesmerising. 

So, what's it about? Tessa Ensler (Sheridan Harbridge) is a hot shot barrister. She loves her work as a defense barrister, cutting down her opponents with her obvious brains and outer suburbs pluck. She's the kid from the Western Suburbs made good and works her guts out to stay there. She also one for playing hard, as many people in their thirties are prone to do. 

One night, Tessa is sexually assaulted by a colleague. 

And the obvious grey areas start to show themselves. Tessa knows the system. She knows how to play the system. But can somebody, even with this detailed knowledge of the law and it's pitfalls, come out on top in a system which is deeply flawed, and which sets up for women to fail. The name Brittany Higgins was running through my mind, especially in the last half hour of the play. It was brutal. 

Sheridan Harbridge is going to be one to watch. She's exceptional as she takes us through every one of Tessa's emotions as she goes on the journey from carefree lawyer to rape victim. The last half hour of the play has you on the edge of your seat. I was near tears in her final moments. 

One in three women will be sexually assaulted in some way in their lifetime. There is little justice in a system that's rigged in favour of the male perpetrator who doesn't even have to give evidence. It's the victim who is put on trial. There is little justice. 

The Fairfax Studio lends itself well to this one person play format. On stage, there was a single office chair. And the firebrand that is Sheridan Harbridge. 

I've just read that Harbridge won a best actress gong for the Sydney Theatre Awards for her role in this in Sydney. It's deserved. She's fantastic. 

Lee Lewis's direction is assured. She allows Tess to punch through, while allowing her the vulnerability and anger to manifest during the last 20 minutes - the part which deals with the trial.

This is originally an English play. For those who wish to hunt it out, Jodie Comer plays Tess for the National Theatre in London. Her performance can be viewed on the National Theatre Live website. 

It has been said that Harbridge is even better than the original.

I'm very glad I got to see this. 

The standing ovation was well deserved.

Today's song:

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