Sunday, March 12, 2023

How to Build a Website

 I probably should have said no, but I didn't. Could I go to a meeting in place of Alice. Alice had something else on. Oh, and it was for the Freemasons. 

It's an hour of my life. it's not that much of an imposition. 

And the people in the meeting were nice enough, but as with any committees, getting anything done seems a bit hard. Lots of stuff were being kicked into the long grass. This is a project term for the too hard basket. 

Then there was an agenda point about member retention. And with member retention comes actually getting members to join. And considering the Federation website is a) hard to find, 2) looks like it was built in 2005 and 3) filled with redundant information and 4) is confusing, it's not a good look. The fact that the website is stupidly hard to find is not good. If you type Freemasonry and Women into a browser you have to go through pages to find us. The Church of Satan is found before us. This is what needs tro be updated

We want new people to join. We want new people to stay. And yes, we fundamentally have to change a lot of things, modernise the order, but we need people to do it. 

So, I kicked up a bit of a ruckus, and said I'd project manage the rework - and that I'd work with the chiefs to get this done, I'll work with a web designer, the text editor... get the copy right - and signed off. And yeah, run the whole this like a project, because it's what I do for a living. I hate to say it, but I reckon I could cobble something together quite easily on SquareSpace or Wix. But we have a reasonable budget to do this, as there are some backend things which need sorting - as well as registering a new domain name... and .... and...and. The and  things I can spec out fairly easily. 

I'm also thinking I should get paid for the work on this. It probably won't happen, but it would be good to be recognised for the work - especially if they want something professional. 

I really should learn to keep my hands in my pockets. But then again, it's something I do believe in. 

Today's song:

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