Saturday, March 11, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Penpals Part II

 Doing the Sunday Questions on a Saturday, as it's a long weekend and there are things to do. 

Questions, as always, were provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Do you make new friends easily?

Not really. I make work buddies and acquaintances easily, but friends are another matter. That takes time. Mind you, the girls I go on retreat with are rapidly becoming friends, and that is a very good thing. 

2..Which podcasts do you like at the moment?

I'm more an audiobook person. I do like Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History podcast and My Dad Wrote A Porno was great. 

3. One thing that immediately makes your day better

My cat. 

4. What app do you use most?

Probably a mix of Facebook, Instagram and the Bureau of Meteorology app. They all get a daily bashing. 

5. The friends who would have your back no matter what

I like to think most of them would have my back. I'd have theirs. 

6. What is something you’ll never do again?

Ecstacy and speed. I've only done the harder forms of drugs on a few occasions over 20 years ago. It's not something I'd do again. 

7. Something you practice often

Writing. And I do daily French lessons. I like to think I'm getting better at both. 

8. What gives you an adrenaline rush?

Strangely, running used to give me a bit of a rush. Public speaking gives me a bit of a high too. 

9. How well do you do in social situations?

Okay. I'm not great in big groups, better in smaller ones, and if I'm not in the mood I bail. I can be sociable when I have to be. 

10. Are you a light sleeper or a deep sleeper?

I'm somewhere in the middle. Though not an overly light sleeper, I'm not out for the count either. I do sleep well when I sleep. 

11. Do you get stage fright?

Yes, doesn't everybody. But I get over it quickly. 

12. Which family members are you closest to?

This is a hard one as I don't come from a particularly close family. I get on with pretty much all of my family but I'm struggling to say who I'm closest to. That's me being diplomatic.

13. How was your February?

Not bad. I scored a new job, that counts for something.

14. What is your favorite candle scent?

In front of me is a candle from the Richmond Candle Co. It's a scent called Montana - vetiver, leather, blood plum, oak moss and rosewood. It's deep and earthy and absolutely wonderful. I hope Simon and Johan, the guys who run the business, bring the scent back. 

15. One book that you would recommend as a "must read'?

For books that have come out in the last year, that would be Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. 

For books that have come out in the last ten years, then that would be The Narrow Road to the Deep North by Richard Flanagan. 

For more classic books, the Slaugherhouse Five and Jane Eyre would top my list. 

Today's song: 


  1. My father once gave me a prescription narcotic, so I could sleep. It was SO good I swore I'd never take it again, and I haven't.

  2. Great book recommendations.

    And I haven't heard that Simple Minds song in ... decades!

  3. My cat usually makes my day better, too, but he has been pooping on the bed!! That annoys me greatly but I keep remembering he has been traumatized! I LOVED Lessons in Chemistry. I'm glad you mentioned that book!!

  4. Congrats on the new job. Running gives me a rush too, especially when said run is finished.
