Saturday, March 4, 2023

Morning Glory

 The phone began to pulsate at 6.30, it's syncopated rattle waking me from a decent sleep. I should have not set it, but it's morning at the retreat and it's my desire to watch the sun come up when I'm on retreat. 

I never see the sun rise in the city. This is my one chance. 

Managing expectations can be hard. This morning was no different. 

I was hoping for a brightly coloured, ever-changing scenario. I wanted to see the first glimmer of the sun peak over the horizon from the depths of the Southern Ocean. I wanted the peace and quiet of standing on the verandah taking in this scene with my cup of coffee in hand, breathing in the sea air, listing to the roll of the sea. 

This is what I got. 


Along with one of the smokers wanting a chat and another of the group doing their morning yoga practice. Not quite the solitude I was looking for. 

Some of the cloud has burned away now. There's a chance for a colourful sunset. 

It's sticky down here, the mist playing havoc to anybody with curly hair. This is not adding to my mood. But this too is okay. We have to keep the windows closed as the place is teeming with locusts. I found on in the bathtub as I went to have a shower this morning.

For me, it's enough to listen to the waves. And relax. 

Today's song: 

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