Sunday, March 5, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Penpals, Part 1

 Do I really have to drive back to Melbourne? I like it down here. It's fabulous. The Gunnas Retreat at the Seacroft Estate has been delightful, as always, I've had a ball.

Anyway, on with weekly questions, supplied, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. What are your plans for March?

Well, I'm starting a new job in ten days. That's something. And my first trip to Darwin, with work, is happening on the last week of the month. There's also a theatre tickets, some movies to be seen and a couple of Comedy Festival performances. 

2. Did you ever have or go to sleepovers as a kid?

No, not that I remember. 

3. Which books would you pick for a book binge?

Oh, you can give me the back catalogue of Louis de Bernieres' novels any day. He's awesome. 

4. What features do you love most about your home?

Here are a few things I love about my flat:

  • It's close to public transport.
  • It now has wooden floor boards and they are easy to keep clean. 
  • I love that it's up two flights of stairs and the carport is below. 
  • I love that it has instant hot water. 
  • I love that it's got a locable screen door at the front.
My flat is nothing special, but it is mine. 

5. Favorite songs from tv, movies, and video games

Anything on my Harvey Spector playlist. You have to hand it to Suits. The music was fabulous. 

Have a listen to this

6. What group games do you like to play with others

I'm not one for playing games. I don't mind Cards Against Humanity and Trivial Pursuit, but I don't play them often. I'm a gun at pub quizzes. 

7. How often do you try something new?

Far too often. Mind you, at this retreat, I came home with a few new pieces of secondhand clothes. 

8. What type of sushi is your favorite?

I love most sushi. Katsu prawn sushi is great, in fact, any type of seafood that isn't cooked tuna is wonderful. I love the seafood salads the sushi shop does too. 

9. Do you prefer to relax or go on adventures during vacation?

A bit of both. I'm not an adventurous person, in that I don't ski or walk, but let me snaffle around an old city and I'm in heaven. 

10. How do you prevent burn out?

Take a lot of breaks and say no when required. I got burnout from my last job, so I'm very mindful not to let myself get too burnt out. Coming back from burnout is awful, and hard. 

11. Which colors look best on you?

Bright colours. Bold red, blue and green look great on me. 

12. Do you like brunch?

Of course - it's a bit of a tradition here in Australia weekend brunch. Some version of Eggs Benedict always goes down well. 

13. Trends you showed up late for

I'm normally an early adopter, but there are some techno bands I'm just getting into now who are great. O\I'm also a bit of a post-punk even though I'm in my fifties. Ah well. 

14. What’s your favorite drink order?

Gin and tonic. My standard coffee order is an almond decaf latte. If I'm drinking non-alcoholic beverages, I love a good ginger ale or real lemon lemonade. 

15. Which clothes or accessories make you feel most confident?

Motorcycle boots. Actually, any heavy boots. I wear bovver boots to work when I need to get shit done. 

Today's song: 


  1. I love eggs Benedict...and am a fan of gin and tonic, tho I rarely have it these days.

  2. Oh, yes. My house is a block from two bus lines. I'm within 3 blocks of a pharmacy, movie theater, grocery store, bank, library, and four restaurants.

  3. Yes, eggs benedict is amazing. And I forgot boots; they usually complete my concert outfit and I feel awesome wearing them.
