Thursday, April 6, 2023

Don't joke about working Easter

 I nearly went full Roy Kent in a meeting earlier today. 

I've got a lot on my plate at the moment at work. It's managable, but a lot needs to be done. 

One of the team, in the open forum of the meeting suggested I work over Easter. 

My first desired reaction was as follows:

I was in a meeting. I'm better trained that that. My second desired reaction was this:

My third reaction at the thought of working Easter was as follows: 

I managed to keep the expletives out of my reaction in the end: 

I had my camera off so they couldn't see my hand gestures. 

See, last Easter I worked over Easter. I managed to rack up 34 hours over the four day break. I took Sunday off. Yes, that's over 11 hours a day on a public holiday. 

They didn't even pay double time. It was a bit of a miracle they paid the overtime at all. 

So you don't joke about working Easter with me. 

And I will swear and growl like Roy Kent if you even suggest it to me. 

It's Easter. I want the break. I need to keep my strength up for the months to come. 

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