Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Saying Hello to Thomas

 The most wonderful thing to happen to me today was over a message app. 

My friend Lainey is over in Britain, having taken herself over there for a big birthday. She's staying with a friend in Canterbury. 

The message read, "I'm waving at Thomas for you."

Some of friends just get you. 

When I Lainey told me about her trip, and how she was staying in Canterbury, I gave instructions. Go into the Cathedral. Pay the entrance fee. Head off to the left of the nave and go down the small staircase. Sit in front of the sculpture of the swords and commune with Thomas a Beckett. 

She got it. 

And today, she wrote to me from Canterbury Cathedral. 

I have a strange relationship with this Twelfth Century saint. 

Like the pilgrims from The Canterbury Tales of Chaucer, I have this near cellular draw to go to this spot while I'm in England. Though not like I'm a Catholic - I'm not religious at all. Yet there is something about this man, who can from reasonably humble beginnings, who rose to the top of the King's favour, only to taken town by some of the King's men in the Cathedral over which he presided. 

There used to be a large memorial to him in the Lady Chapel. This was destroyed by Henry VIII, as he destroyed so many holy sites. 

Now, a single candle stands vigil over the site where his bones once lay. 

The candle is never extinguished. 

So, the pull to go to Canterbury continues. 

And I have friends who know about this and message me from Canterbury to say that they're sitting with Thomas and having a chat - which is what I love to do when I'm in Canterbury. 

It meant a lot. 

Also, I might have to see if I can take a day trip down there when I'm over in September. 

Today's song: 

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