Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Second Audition

 Jay and I gave Saxon a second audition tonight.

Finding a new trainer, especially after such a long stint with Cleo, is hard. We've been seeing Cleo for well on seven years. She's part of our lives. Finding another trainer is hard. Finding somebody who will take us on, two ageing women who can get a bit lippy - well, who's going to do that? 

We have some criteria in taking on a new P.T. 

They must:

  • Listen when we say we won't do something - normally something hurts. 
  • Keep us moving.
  • Be reliable
  • Work in with our schedules. 
I met up with Saxon two weeks ago. He seemed to fit the bill. Tonight, it was Jay's turn to see what she thought. 

It went well. I'm not sure that poor Saxon knew what was coming. I'm not sure he was used to two older women telling him, "Keep us moving. No resting."

He started us off on light weights. By the end of the sets I was pumping 190 kilos on the leg press machine. He put us through our paces on the sled. We pointed out equipment we liked using - no aquabag for me, as many battle ropes as he likes. No jumping. All of the stuff he needs to know about. 

45 minutes later, we had the talk.

"Well, these are our hours, if you can fit us in. Mondays, and either a Wednesday or Friday. You have to keep us moving. That's what you're employed to do. We pay on time and give you lots of notice if we can't make a session. In other words, we're reliable."

I think he likes us. 

Jay and I talked about it on leaving the gym. He should be a good replacement for Cleo. He's shown that he can listen. He let us work within our boundaries, whilst pushing just a little. He seems reliable.

Okay, he looks 12, but that is happening more and more.

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