Thursday, April 13, 2023

I don't get it

 I'm Australian. I'm glad I'm Australian.

I keep my eye on world news, as you do. My cheap subscription to the New York Times gets used every day. I like to pay a little for my journalism. I used to buy a paper every day, why wouldn't you contribute a dollar a day for the news. (I must say, I have been thinking about ditching my subscription to The Age. That paper has turned into a rag with it's affiliations with the Nine Network)

Regardless, I can't get over the fact that Texas is banning the abortion pill - or at least trying to ban it being sent through the mail. 

I mean, seriously. A woman's body. A woman's choice. Piss off and go bother your god for yourself, leave other people to their own choices. 

Medical abortions, those done by taking this and another pill, before 12 weeks gestation, are effective and safe. And if a woman deems they want an abortion, for whatever reason, this pill is an effective way of doing this. 

But no. Some super-religious, entitled arsewipe says because he doesn't believe in it, nobody should be able to do this. 

I don't get it. 

Sure, having an abortion is taking away potential - but it's just that - potential. Who's not to say that the child will survive. 

News came though today that this baffling ruling had been overturned for now. But this won't be the end of it. 

This is from the country where one state tried to make it legal to implant ectopic pregnancies in the womb. 

I cried when the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade last year. I cried for the women who's lives would be destroyed by this. 

I don't get why more women aren't protesting - and protesting loudly. Do what they did in Poland. 

I don't get why these fuckwits are making these rulings. 

Like, if you don't like abortion, don't have one - but don't stop others from doing what is right for themselves. 

Nobody likes it. But it is necessary. 

Too many women have died over centuries. 

It's time for this lunacy to stop. 

Today's song:


  1. Couldn't agree more Amanda. So hard to believe these rights are being eroded. I do get it, sadly. Good old power and control.

  2. 100% agree Panda... Put simply; choice.

    And as for Veruca Salt - wow, what a memory!
