Friday, April 14, 2023

From today

 My NBN service is shite. It's normally not bad at all, but today, it's been going out like a teenage boy losing his virginity. 

I lost all of the work I did today, my spreadsheet not saving. Exceptionally irritating. Thankfully, I'm in Darwin for most of next week where I can blame the work network for such drop outs. 

It's also making streaming telly rather annoying.

Or writing anything. 

I'm making roasted potato salad for tomorrow's party. Barney turns 50 next week and there is a gathering of the clan. 

At least the oven doesn't need the internet to function. 

The tatties are roasted. They will be warmed up tomorrow before the spring onions, seedy mustard, chopped gherkins, sour cream and mayonnaise are mixed in with them and taken over to this shindig.

My hair is being cut and coloured for the occasion. 

And the highlight of the day is winning a $40 ticket to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Chile next weekend. Matinee session. Happy about this - I've wanted to see the abridged version since it came out (I saw the long form of this twice already - as this is leaving in July, it's all worked out well (and better than paying $250 for the ticket. )

The jack rabbit internet is doing my head in. 

I'll be off. 

Today's song: 

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