Saturday, April 15, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Mantelligence

 Ah, what a day. Out early, meditation, breakfast, a hair appointment, back home, then off to a 50th barbeque, and now back with my cat, making sure he's okay before I take him to a friend's place before I go back up to Darwin tomorrow night. Oh, what fun. 

Questions, as always, have come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. If you had the world’s attention for 30 seconds, what would you say?

Be kind to each other. Nobody gets out of of this life alive, so make the best of it by being kind. You can't take material stuff with you. 

2. If your food is bad at a restaurant, would you say something?

Absolutely. But there are ways and means about going about this. If it's just one element of the dish, then leave it to the side. If it's the main part of things, or something is really wrong, then yes, I'd say something. There is also a difference between ordering something you don't quite know and not liking it and something being off. If the food is cold, raw when it's not supposed to be or just bad, then I'd politely question it. 

3.What is in your fridge right now?

Not that much as I'm heading to the Northern Territory for a week tomorrow. There's a bowl of soup that I made earlier in the week (for lunch tomorrow) kombucha, a few bottles of various tonic, lots of condiments, half a dozen eggs, half a brick of almond milk and a back of grated cheddar cheese. There are some ready meals (Americans read TV dinners) a loaf of bread and some chicken breasts in single serves.  No point restocking the fridge until I have spoken to the dietician the week after next and I'm back from Darwin. 

4.What are you freakishly bad at?

Lots of things. Relationships, singing and putting up with stupid people come to mind. 

5. Where do you not mind waiting?

I'm good waiting at the airport for a plane to be fixed if there is engineering issues. Would much rather be on a working plane. 

6. What’s something you’ve tried, that you’ll never, ever try again?

Here are a few things: 

  • Dating boys from Coburg (Melbourne thing but iykyk)
  • Esctacy / illicit drugs
  • Going blonde
  • Wearing stiletto heels

7. If you could dis-invent one thing, what would it be?

Automatic guns. Do they really have a reason to be around? Really?

8. If you could be a member of any TV-sitcom family, which would it be?

I'd love to be part of the Addams Family. I think I'd fit in quite well. 

9. What would be the best thing about not having a sense of smell?

I lost my sense of smell and taste for a few weeks when I had COVID. I do not recommend. However one good thing was not being able to smell cigarette and vape smoke. Still, your sense of smell is very important. 

10. Would you rather live (permanently) in a roller coaster park or in a zoo?

Give me the zoo any day. I love animals, even if they smell a bit funny. 

11. When scrolling through social media, do you prefer posts from celebrities or from your best friends?

Friends - although it feels like some bloggers, like B Dylan Hollis and Jesse Crosson have become friends. 

12. What makes someone a hero?

Somebody who selflessly gives of themselves for the good of others. Not football players.

13. What is the stupidest thing you’ve done because someone dared you to?

I can't remember because I think alcohol was involved. Watching the first series of Game of Thrones? Reading Fifty Shades of Grey. Both stupid moves. 

14. What is the stupidest thing you’ve done on your own free will?

Too many things to mention here. Drinking too much Malibu is one of those things. Ignoring my gut is another. 

15. Would you rather have unlimited sushi for life or unlimited tacos for life?

Unlimited sushi. I love sushi - good sushi that is. 

Today's song: 


  1. We both want to dis-invent guns. I wonder how many others are going to say the same thing.

  2. That is a great answer about waiting! Yes - let's be happy to wait until the plane is working!!

  3. We both hate automatic weapons and cigarette smoke, as most rational people would.

  4. Had a good laugh about #8.
    And agree with you about weapons and smelly smoke.

    Have a great week!
