Thursday, April 20, 2023

The Dark Side of the Day

 This trip has been a bit of a revelation. I've really enjoyed myself.

So, I sit in my hotel room, basically packed, knowing in about three hours I'll head to the airport to get the red-eye back to Melbourne. I'm okay with the flight. I'm not sure I like the thought of taking the ring road at six in the morning after a night on the red-eye, but such is the flights that go in and out of Darwin. 

Today was a bit trippy. There was an eclipse. Here, in Darwin, the sun was obfuscated by about 80%. Over in the West, in Exmouth, they were plunged into complete darkness for a couple of minutes. 

I was working out of an industrial office in the suburbs. There are some war games going on in the area, so we had a a good audience with a number of fighter jets that were doing the rounds. 

Then there was talk of this eclipse. Something strange was in the air. Some would call it a bad case of the CBFs (Can't be fuckeds). Others would say that the humidity, which had backed off for the last few days, had come back to bite. Or maybe it was the eclipse working its voodoo. 

The time came for the eclipse to start kicking in. With the rest of my team, and quite a few others, we went out to the car park to try and have a look, being careful, of course, to stare into the sun. 

Of course, there were clouds, but we got the gist of what was going on. 


It is strange to see the shadows falling in crescents. 

What was even stranger was seeing a group of men, most of whom were dressed in high vis, trying to work out just what was going on and why all of these office workers were looking at the sun. 

It was a strangely bonding experience. 

And now my time in Darwin is coming to and end for another trip. 

The highlights for this trip included:

  • Going to the opening night of the Deckchair Cinema's season. See yesterday's post. 
  • Of course, the eclipse. 
  • The fact that some of the humidity had left the place. It was as hot as Satan's armpit last trip. This time things were quite pleasant. 
And most strangely, and delightfully, I caught up with my high school PE teacher. 

Eh? You say. 

Okay, some context. We have been friends on Facebook for years - and as with most people in Darwin, they're very willing to meet up, show you around and touch base. We also have some matching hobbies, being crafts, books and gyming. 

It was wonderful to catch up. She hasn't changed. I have, but I'm probably just bigger and a bit more confident. We happily chatted about all sorts of things - from what when on with the Class of 1985 - from who's dead, who's been in prison and who's a grandmother. (I have to keep reminding myself that I am well old enough to be a grandmother. Oh well.)

She amazed me. As somebody in her mid-seventies, she's still able to bench press a couple of short sets of 35 kilos. (I'm amazed - I'm on about 30 kg bench presses at the moment). 

And we made a pact to meet up again, but these sorts of catch ups are good. 

I also spoke to my other friend I met up with last time. I'm made a promise to get in contact to sort something out earlier when I'm up in June. 

So the day might have been a bit weird. The end of it may have had us looking around an industrial workwear shop in the outer suburbs - as you do.

But I'm liking it up here.

I feel a bit blessed. 

Better get ready for the airport. 

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