Friday, April 21, 2023

Welcome Home

I spent the day trying to stay awake. 

After the 1 am red-eye back from Darwin, to arriving at Melbourne Airport at 5.30 in the morning, to driving home in real peak hour (as opposed to Darwin peak hour which lasts about 15 minutes) to spending the rest of the day attempting to work and stay awake, it was a LONG day. 

Making it longer, Lucifer was still to come home. 

I'd arranged with his aunt, who took him on for the week, to pick him up after work. I've had daily reports of his behaviour. Most said, "He's eating and drinking and pooing where he's supposed to but I haven't seen him for dust." 

This is similar behaviour to what he displays when he goes to visit Aunty Blarney, but there he sits in a cupboard and hisses at her when she goes in to feed him. 

Anyway, this friend was warned - just let him come to you, don't try and pick him up and he'll thaw. 

By yesterday she's barely seen him. She said she'd enjoyed having him about, but it would have been nice if he was a bit more interactive. 

I rocked up tonight to collect my cat. 

I walked in the door and went into the kitchen. 

Out he comes, tail in the air, purring. He gave me the obligatory cuddles - because I'm allowed to pick him up and kiss his head. This was the first time he'd deigned to be in the room with his minder in the last few days...

Once I put him down, he wanders over to my friend and give her a couple of big leg rubs as a thank you. It was wonderful to watch - and rather gratifying. I gather this is the equivalent of having a child with manners. 

We popped out to get some fish and chips for dinner. We came back to him baying at the door - after a week of not hearing a peep out of him. 

We ate dinner at the kitchen table with him sitting down the other end watching proceedings. 

And I managed to get him into his carry cage and bring him home, so all is well with the world. 

He's now on his blanket on the bed, licking himself clean and purring softly. 

We're a family again. All is right with the world. 

Today's song: 

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