Thursday, May 11, 2023

Boiled Eggs

 Learned something this week, thanks to one of my favourite TicTokkers. 

Yes, you can learn something by watching TicTok, and I mean, these people start to become your friends when you're home along a lot. 

So, I see a lot of reels from this woman called Miriam. She's an Orthodox Jew who live in New York, a midwife, with a husband and five kids, and she talks about her life and her faith in a gloriously unjudgmental way. I find her interesting. I also like the young British trainspotter, Francis Bourgeois, The Irish Click Click Clapper, Damien Broderick and Josh Godfrey. 

Anyway, Miriam gave out a hack to do with hard boiled eggs, and how to make them easier to peel. 

You know how hard hard-boiled eggs can be to peel. According to Miriam, if you take your eggs, pick them up, get a teaspoon, then give them a soft tap on the point end - tap them until the egg makes a clicking sound. You don't want to break the egg, but you need to hear this click. Once the egg clicks, then boil it up as normal. 

I tried this egg tapping thing. It works.

Trying to find Miriam on YouTube doing the egg tapping thing didn't happen, but I did find another way to shell eggs. You can blow the hard boiled eggs out of their shells. Like this woman.'

The only thing is it doesn't appear to be that hygienic. 

I tried this too. And yes, it works. But I had boiled eggs with my lunch. Wouldn't serve them to anybody else if they were shelled in this way. 

The things you learn on the internet.

Today's song: 

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